The many works of Randy Cooper 2 "ELECTRIC BOGALOO"
This was made from a 12" hamster ball.
i vacuformed plastic over the domes to get the plating, it.s my homage to the 2001 era.

TRON light cycles (analog version).
resin kits modified.
what i mean by "analog version" is not digital!
a little joke!

GUNSTAR (analog version),
the story behind this kit is i bought a 12" kit and i was so disappointed i built this pattern and sold it to monsters in motion.
i figured thew public deserved better.

TIME MACHINE (new version)
scratch built.
VOYAGER from Fantastic Voyage the cartoon.
this a 16" scratch build i did back in 1994.
later lunar models would buy it from me and make a kit out of it.
it's discontinued.
This 34" Falcon is scratch built. it took about 3 months to build it.

this is my latest (10-14-07), i designed and built it in 2 weeks.
From the film EXPLORERS, I did as a goof originally to see how fast i could build a scratch built model, it took 14 hours.
This is one of my own designs i built in about 2 weeks,
it's 35" long, with strobe flash lights, leds, and mini florescence bulbs in it as well.
i guess you could say it's from the Kirk era.

This is my version of the "BENEATH THE PLANET OF THE APES".
In the film they used corrugated sheet metal and the landing gear off the JUPITER2 for the full size set piece.
this is Scott Alexander's 11.5' version,
I (and many others) helped Scott create the pattern for it.
2001 Discovery Pod 1/6 scale
the CONSTRUCTION SHIP, it's the oldest model i have, i scratch built it in 1979,
the ARCHIMEDES, I was inspired from the MATRIX, so i designed and built this model in 2 weeks, it doesn't have scale, all i know is it's 19" long.
SPACE 1999 EAGLE. i did back in 1998,
it's 90% is scratch built.
This is the 1/18 scale spinner out of japan called "the back to the future 2 future car". after purchasing the mega box set of blade runner, i decided after 3 years to throw some paint on it and the decals a friend sent me. naturally, i couldn't leave well enough alone, i had to redo the interior doors, walls, seats, dashboard, opera windows, thrusters underneath, and make it light ready.... and make a cool display base which was from the original spinner plaque, i don't like to waist time so i finished this in 3 days

this is the little spinner that comes with the box set. this is the one that motivated to finish the 1/18 scale version.
the base is made with ALL original parts from blade runner, the photo etch towers, the resin base, which i didn't know until a week ago it was from blade runner's well. I've had this mold forever, the mold's falling apart.
it was one of the roof tops on the outer slanted buildings surrounding the tyrrell corp.
THIS IS AN OLDIE. I designed it over 20 years ago!. It's 24" long made out of plastic, it's very fragile. i wanted something that looked fast and this is what i can up with. about 10 years ago, a friend showed me an artical where someone used the design in a video game.